最新更新: 2021年八月18日
This regulation dated 2003-2004 is the Presidential Resolution n° 02- 2003-UGM-CD concerning the touristic use of the Inca Trail. The new regulation dated 2016 Presidential resolution nº 336-2016-SERNANP is available in Spanish.
Resolution N° 02- 2003-UGM-CD
Regulation of the Inca Trail Network of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu
(HSM), recognized by the UNESCO as Cultural and Natural World Heritage. It includes
the whole Inca Trail Network and its organized and authorized existing roads.
Use of the Inca Trail Network
The use of the Inca Trail Network for tourist purposes is organized through:
- Travel agencies or
- Tourist guides
Organized groups with Travel agencies
They are composed by:
- Visitors: They are national or foreign tourists who have chosen a Travel
agency to visit the Inca Trail Network.
- Tourist Guides: Authorized professionals, hired by the Travel agencies
to guide the visitors.
- Assistance crew: It is the assistance personnel duly registered by the
Direction of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu and composed by: cooks,
porters and other personnel hired by the Travel agency to provide complementary
Authorized Travel agencies
Authorized legal organizations which fulfill the established requirements of
the legislation in force.
Number of members of an organized group
42 people at most:
- 16 visitors
- 2 tourist guides
- Assistance crew
Maximum load
500 persons per day for the 4-day trek and 250 persons per day for the 2-day trek.
Assistance crew
We consider assistance crew:
- Porters,
- Cooks,
- other personnel hired by the Travel agency to provide complementary services.
Payment of the entrance fee
The payment of the entrance fee to the Inca Trail Network shall be made only
in the city of Cusco, at the Treasury office of the Ministry. For any reason
the payment for the entrance fee will be accepted at registry and control points
of the Inca Trail Network.
Modification by RESOLUTION Nº 0O2-2004-UGM-CD
Authorization requests to entry the Inca Trail Network of the Historic Sanctuary
of Machu Picchu must me made on the name of the person and with appropriate
documents and paying first 100% of the corresponding fee, depending strictly
on established capacity of load. These requests can be made up to 48 hours prior
to the date of entry.
Restrictions of the tourist use of the Inca Trail Network
For ecological recovery reasons, the tourist use of the Inca Trail Network
is forbidden in February every year, for the roads 1, 2 and 3, indicated on
the annex E of the present regulation.
For preservation or restoration purposes, some restriction or closing periods
of the Inca Trail Network will be established. In this case, the UGM will inform
the visitors thirty (30) working days in advance.
Exceptionally, only in high risk situations, fortuitous or force majeur cases,
the access to the site will be closed or restricted without prior notice. In
this case, the Direction will inform visitors about the situation.
Duration of the stay for tourist use
- Once inside the Inca Trail Network, the visitor shall not exceed the stay
on the established road for more time than indicated on the entrance ticket,
except in fortuitous or force majeur duly proved cases.
- The stay on the site runs from the moment the visitor registers his entrance
into the Inca Trail Network, at the control and surveillance point of the
Users identification
It mandatory that all users of the Inca Trail Network identify themselves
with their original ID documents and that they register their entry at the registry
and control point of the INRENA or the Ministry.
Banning of circulation and night use of the Inca Trail Network
It is forbidden to circulate inside the Inca Trail Network between 18:00 and
05:00, except in fortuitous or force majeur duly proved cases.
Mandatory minimum equipment for agencies and guides
- Backpacks*
- Sleeping bags*
- Isolators or Matra*
- Tents*
- Water bottle*
- First aid kit*
- Oxygen bottle*
- Propane gas portable stove
- Non elastic rescue cords (09 mm of diameter)
- Portable communication VHF radio equipment adjusted on the INRENA and the
Ministry frequency, only in case of emergency
- Location maps of the Inca Trail Network*
- Filters for water*
- Plastic filters for raw water sediments*
- Appropriate containers for solid waste disposal (green and red bags)
*Authorized guides should carry this equipment.
Equipment for the Assistance crew
- Group tents.
- Rain coats and thick plastic protection for tents.
- Plastic filter do avoid contamination of water sources with organic waste
while washing dishes.
First aid kit (mandatory for Travel agencies and Tourist guides)
- Disinfectants (Methyl alcohol, oxygen water, iodine, soap, germicides)
- Cotton, gause, bandages and medical tapes.
- Broncodilatateurs
- Muscle and stomach analgesics
- Antipyretics
- Antiallergenics
- Ophthalmic liquid
- Creams for solar exposure relief and other medications for burns relief
- Extremities immobilizer
- Small oxygen bottle
- Pressure meter and thermometer
Forbidden elements inside the Inca Trail Network
- Fire or pump weapons, bows and arrows, hunting and fishing gear, axes,
mountains knifes, pickaxes, shovels or other tools.
- Any kind of trap used to capture fauna specimens.
- Fossil fuels, such as: kerosene, diesel oil, gasoline.
- Alcoholic beverages, stimulants, psychotropics, and other drugs not allowed by the current national
- Beverages and products in glass containers.
- Sound equipments and other noise generators.
- Domestic animals and exotic species.
- Walking sticks with metallic point without a rubber protection or sticks
made of local native wood.
- Transportation vehicles, such as bicycles, tricycles or others.
- Drones or any type of flying device and professional filming equipment for unauthorized commercial purposes.
Solid waste
Travel agencies, Tourist guides and assistance crew must separate solid waste
generated during their stay in the Inca Trail Network in organic and non organic
waste and take it out the HSM.