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Buying Macchu Picchu tickets
2012年8月21日, 18:08

Dear Heidi;

I found your name and email on the Lonely Planet website, where someone commented that you were able to buy Macchu Pichhu tickets for them.

I would like to buy 2 tickets for October 6, 2012 - just the basic entrance tickets (and bus tickets from Aguas Calientes to MP if possible). Could you please advise if you could do this, and the total cost. We can pay with American Express or Visa.

Thank you.


Re: Buying Macchu Picchu tickets
Messages: 825
2012年8月21日, 18:55

Dear Hasmukh,

Thank you for your email and for your interest in our services. Yes, of course we can help you, it is a regular service offered by our agency.

If you want the tickets delivered to your hotel in Cusco, you can purchase them directly through our website: http://www.machupicchu-tour.com/tour/ticket.php?lg=e. Prices and fees are indicated on our websites. Just enter the purchase forms and make the payment with Visa or Mastercard credit card. Our staff in Cusco will personally make the purchase at the Ministry of Culture and deliver the tickets to your hotel in Cusco.

If you only want printable e-tickets, you can purchase them through our brand new website: http://www.ticket-machupicchu.com. Prices are also indicated on the website. Just enter the purchase forms and make the payment with Visa or Mastercard credit card. We will then purchase them on your behalf and put them on our system for printing a few days later.

Should you need anything else, feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

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