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Inka Trail
Camila - América do Sol
2009年3月11日, 16:24

Dear Sirs,

I am a travel agency located in Brazil.

I would like to know if I can sell the trails through you and how does it work.

Meanwhile, I would like to know about availability for inka trail 2 or 4 days or Salkantay for april, 12th or so.

I have 2 clients very interested.

I am looking foward to hear from you soon.

Best regards,


Re: Inka Trail
Messages: 825
2009年3月12日, 14:36

Dear Camila,

Thank you for your interest in our services. Unfortunately, there are no more spaces available for April, they were sold out a few weeks ago. The Inca Trail is very limited in spaces and has a lot of restrictions. This is why most of our sales are for direct clients and not agencies. You can check real availability on the page: http://www.camino-inca.com/dispo/index.php?lg=en .

We only offer special conditions depending on the volume and/or frequency of sales, basically large groups on fixed dates. However, if you are interest in selling our treks for isolated requests for other available dates, you can do it directly through our website as if you were the direct client, paying the published price, under the same conditions. Of course you can set another price for your client.

Should you need anything else, feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

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