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Visit to Machu Picchu on 16.3. including Huayna Picchu
Fabian W.
2016年3月12日, 12:30

Dear Ticket Machu Picchu team

I hope you can help me with my request: We plan to visit Machu Picchu on 16.3.

I just noticed, that our reservation I made through http://www.machupicchu.gob.pe/ is not valid anymore because I don't have a Visa card (only Mastercard) and couldn't pay during the 6 hours time window (reservation code 160316A0231K1G11).

I wonder if it is somehow possible to still get tickets for one of the Huayna Picchu groups on 16.3. or not? It's actually my birthday and I made the reservation in February to be sure to get on the top but know I'm quite sad about the fact that my reservation isn't valid anymore.

The main website at http://www.machupicchu.gob.pe/ (and your website) tells me, no more tickets for Huayna Picchu are available on 16.3. so I wonder if you, as an agency have other ways to get to these tickets?

Or would it be possible to go to the entrance early in the morning and see, whether tickets are available for Huayna Picchu?

Any help would be appreciated - even if the price would be very high for the tickets, I would really be interested.

Thanks a lot, kind regards


Re: Visit to Machu Picchu on 16.3. including Huayna Picchu
Messages: 825
2016年3月13日, 18:23

Dear Fabian,

Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry we cannot help you. As you saw there are no spaces left. Moreover, we don't accept reservations in such short notice.

Best regards,

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